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Hi, I wanted to know if Openstreetmap has something similar to google maps regarding Asset Tracking. If so what are its capabilities? We want integrate an api to work with taxi's so that they can find customers, and customers to find taxi's through two map overlays kind of similar to google maps coordinate and google lattitude. Does anyone know if this is possible for Openstreetmap?

Thanks -Nicolas

asked 27 Jun '13, 17:20

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Eh, what? OpenStreetMap is basically just data - and, contrary to Google Maps, nearly everything is possible (as long as you comply to our license but you maybe need to program it on your own or pay someone). Could you please describe a bit more what you want? Do you want a service? Program code? may help you to understand. Just edit your question (you need to be logged in).

(28 Jun '13, 01:56) aseerel4c26 ♦

Asset tracking and map creation/display may look related but are in fact quite orthogonal to each other. Asset tracking services can (and often do) use any map to display the assets (OSM, Google, Navteq...). Displaying the assets on a map is just the tip of the asset tracking iceberg.

I am not aware of a Google asset tracking service; you probably saw some asset tracking service that just hapened to use Google maps.

There are many asset tracking services around, but listing them is offtopic for this website. See also the question vehicle-tracking-system-for-10000-vehicles.

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answered 28 Jun '13, 09:48

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Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%


I suspect that "asset tracking" was specifically mentioned in the question is because it's something that Google specifically charge for if you start talking to them about commercial terms for "something behind the firewall".

As you've already said, lots of companies provide similar services using data from OSM to provide a background map, but the map's essentially the easy bit of the problem.

(28 Jun '13, 10:34) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 27 Jun '13, 17:20

question was seen: 7,839 times

last updated: 28 Jun '13, 10:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum