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we have 10000 vehicles for tracking, we want to develop an application for vehicle tracking system. is it possible to track and from our own server please suggest.

asked 15 Jan '13, 11:47

saket109's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 17 Jan '13, 23:09

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦


Hi Saket, Could you be a little clearer ? Do you want to use the OSM system and maps or just a map based on OSM ? IMHO your free to use the maps based on OSM and build your own system over it. Greetz

(15 Jan '13, 12:06) Hendrikklaas

I am quite a bit confused... I thought this (help.osm) is a FAQ/QA system but not a geo services marketplace, is it?!

(16 Jan '13, 16:50) aseerel4c26 ♦

Closed the question as off-topic and deleted the links to various vendors (including my own), as it is true that this website should not be used as a marketplace (sorry for initiating it), even if the question kinda prompts it.

(17 Jan '13, 23:26) Vincent de P... ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant - Vehicle tracking is beyond the scope of OSM" by Vincent de Phily 17 Jan '13, 23:09

Vehicle tracking is beyond the scope of OSM itself, altough once you have the tracking part done, displaying the results on an OSM map is a sensible thing to do.

To do vehicle tracking / fleet management, you need some gps hardware inside the vehicles (using smartphones is probably not the best idea) and a server capable of handling the requests of all your vehicles, storing them, displaying them etc. Displaying this on an OSM map is just the tip of the iceberg.

You'll save yourself a lot of trouble by buying a fleet management solution from a vendor, either with no development work on your side at all or with development of just the web interface to visualise the data. I do not know of open-source tools that do that kind vehicle tracking.

Note: deleted pointers to the various vendors (including my own company), because this website shouldnt be used for advertisement, and the question is off-topic to begin with (vehicle-tracking may use osm to display things, but this is too thin a relationship).

permanent link

answered 15 Jan '13, 14:13

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

edited 17 Jan '13, 23:19

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question asked: 15 Jan '13, 11:47

question was seen: 5,337 times

last updated: 17 Jan '13, 23:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum