Heyho! When trying to render my map from PostgreSQL/PostGIS database by generate_image.py and osm.xml I receive the following ERROR! Could somebody be so kind and try to solve my problem? If you need to see some sourcecode etc. .. just tell me and I'll upload it here! Thanks and Greetings! Matze
This is likely because your osm2pgsql version is older than the osm.xml map style. The map style assumes that osm2pgsql has imported a column named
Obvoiusly, only the first option will lead to wind turbines being rendered properly. thanks! I'll try the first way and if it doesn't work, i'll ask again ;)
(28 Mar '12, 09:28)
The software osm2pgsql, usually used to import OSM data into a rendering database, only imports a subset of the data required for rendering. What osm2pgsql deems necessary for rendering (and thus the resulting database schema) is defined in a import style-sheet. This osm2pgsql import style-sheet needs to match your mapnik rendering style-sheet, otherwise you will see errors as yours, complaining about missing columns. Looking at your output, it appears you are using windows. The windows version of osm2pgsql is unfortunately very old and thus the import style-sheet going with it no longer matches the current osm mapnik style-sheet. You can find the current import style-sheet at https://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/applications/utils/export/osm2pgsql/default.style which you will need for re-importing the data into your database. |
Who, this is probably my solution to! I don't have much experience with linux but I got pretty far. This is my error. But my question is how can I check the versions and find the right style-sheet? My Error: