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Hey guys! When rendering from PostgreSQL/PostGIS database by Python/Mapnik I receice the following ERROR:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\0A\11\", line 71, in <module>
mapnik.render(m, im)
RuntimeError: Postgis Plugin: PSQL error:
ERROR: column "int_tc_type" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT ST_AsBinary("way") AS geom,"int_tc_type" from planet_...
Full sql was: 'SELECT ST_AsBinary("way") AS geom,"int_tc_type" from planet_osm_roads WHERE "way" && SetSRID('BOX3D(1127187.934825658 7229086.56980958,1134824.118093661 7236722.753077583)'::box3d, 900913)'

I took the steps like in

My OS is Windows.

I imported my africa.osm by osm2pgsql to my database.

Is it possible, that the whole thing only works with the whole planet_latest.osm?

asked 28 Mar '12, 15:44

MHein's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Most likely the version of osm2psql is too old to work with the current mapnik stylesheet you are using. Try an older stylesheet eg:

permanent link

answered 28 Mar '12, 21:57

Firefishy's gravatar image

Firefishy ♦♦
accept rate: 29%

Thanks, but I don't find any stylesheet "" there (maybe because the server

seems to be kind of down..) or did you think of the osm.xml?

Yesterday I downloaded a newer "" to fix another Error

How can I fix both of them? Is there any possibility to fill in the missing column by hand/manually? .. column "length" is also missing ..

(29 Mar '12, 10:17) MHein

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question asked: 28 Mar '12, 15:44

question was seen: 4,382 times

last updated: 29 Mar '12, 10:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum