unable to download svn co http://svn.mapnik.org/tags/release-0.7.1/ mapnik for mapnik gives result svn: 'http://svn.mapnik.org/tags/release-0.7.1' path not found please proide me details and help me to configure open street map on ubuntu 9.10 i follow http://weait.com/content/build-your-own-openstreetmap-server to configure OSM but getting lots of error |
It looks like Mapnik have recently moved from svn to git. I think you can get the 0.7.1 release from this link (zipped, so you'll need to unzip it afterwards, and probably then move the files into the correct path - where the svn co command would have put them). The link is the download link at the bottom of this page. Thanks Sir! It works .. Mapnik is installed Successfully
(21 Nov '11, 07:08)
If the download link is somewhat obscured, try: http://prdownload.berlios.de/mapnik/mapnik-0.7.1.tar.bz2 for Mapnik 0.7.1
(16 Jan '12, 12:00)
SomeoneElse ♦
(not that it's relevant to you on an older version of Ubuntu but) the packaged version of mapnik in later versions of Ubuntu would probably also work: