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I've started to map new features, mainly paths, by using JOSM. It is possible to immediately access them for the edition by using iD or Potlatch 2, even though they are not present in all the tiles, at all scales, when accessing OpenStreetMap web site. But it takes longer to be available to make routes calculations. I've tried by using Locus Map relaying on online GraphHopper and offline BRouter, BRouter web client and Orux Maps (to the best of my knowledge, using also GraphHopper ad BRouter), but it takes days to have new data available for routing.

Please, is it possible to get new data for routing calculation immediately upon edition?


asked 16 Jan '18, 20:27

rrodrigueznt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Most (all?) routing providers will need to pre-process the OSM data, so while your edits will be available to them as soon as you save it may take some time before it becomes available from their APIs. Examples you mention are GraphHopper who have in their FAQ

"A change of the data at will be considered in our APIs roughly after 1 to 2 days. Except for the Geocoding API: the default provider can take up to 7 weeks and the nominatim provider should be updated within one week."

BRouter mentions they do weekly updates

"Routing data is available worldwide with automatic weekly updates"

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answered 17 Jan '18, 08:45

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%


Thanks, @EdLoach! I should have been able to find those references myself, but I'm still strungling to understand what I should ask! And where! I to need more testing to confirm the delays they announce for their product! I'm report back when done!

(24 Jan '18, 23:27) rrodrigueznt

JOSM has a routing plugin option:
I have not used but it seems that you can use this on the data you have loaded in to JOSM.
I noticed this query that related to the plugin:

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answered 16 Jan '18, 23:44

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 17 Jan '18, 01:30

Thanks, @nevw, I've installed the plugin and get it working but, as stated in the related query you pointed out, it is by no means an obvious task to deal with this piece of software! I'm sure the work behind deserves attention and I would like to look deep into it to be able to contribute, but this is far from my capabilities right now! I should find a way to use new paths in routing or, at least, to be able to predict/know the time they take to be able for a freely available routing tool. Thanks!

(24 Jan '18, 23:05) rrodrigueznt

If you need the data in a navigation app, (and not only in JOSM as in nevw's answer), the fastest solution I am aware of the live update functionality of OsmAnd. It updates every hour or so. Note that this is not a free service.

Edit: I was told the the live update is free in the f-droid version of OsmAnd

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answered 17 Jan '18, 04:15

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 20 Feb '18, 04:12

Thanks, @escada! I arrive in OsmAnd+ far before than arriving to Locus Map and, but moved to Locus Map's Router planning as soon as I discovered it. It is a pity have not a service offering Locus Map's Router planning together with OsmAnd Live. To the best of my understanding, OsmAnd has not a similar planning tool oriented to walk routes. Please, could you point me to any suitable alternative to Locus Map's Router planning running on OsmAnd? Thanks!

(24 Jan '18, 23:58) rrodrigueznt

As I don't know why you prefer the Local Map Router above OsmAnd's, it's hard to help out. Bart Eisenberg made a number of videos on using OsmAnd, with a focus on planning hiking trips. He has a video channel on Youtube.

(25 Jan '18, 04:16) escada

Thanks, @escada. Sorry for taking so long to follow this thread. I've been busy with other issues and thinking about the answer to your comment. I realized that the main reason why I do prefer Locus over OsmAnd to plan routes is the fact of having Locus a Function's menu entry called Router planner. To the best of my understanding to get a similar feature while working with OsmAnd I must enter through the option Measure distance, which is, to my poor understanding, at least, not clear at all. In my case, the main issue is not my own access to the feature, but to identify a workflow clear enough as for being proposed to ther users. Thanks!

(19 Feb '18, 21:02) rrodrigueznt

I'm not familiar with the Router planner of Locus, but you can create a route in OsmAnd by adding multiple waypoints (see video, or by creating a route between previously created favorites (see

(20 Feb '18, 04:10) escada

OSMand live will not route over the newly added paths by default, unless you turn that (experimental) feature on in settings.

Also note that the rendering on is broken at the moment, so new edits don't show up in the tiles (although they are saved and propagated to the third parties)

(20 Feb '18, 17:11) Pieter Vande...

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question asked: 16 Jan '18, 20:27

question was seen: 4,293 times

last updated: 20 Feb '18, 17:11

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