I have installed the JOSM routing plugin but cannot get it to work. The Routing Menu is present and I am able to create a Routing Layer but that's all. The Wiki page talks about a special menu that appears on the left side of the JOSM screen if the Routing Layer is active: The "Add destination" button is used to add nodes to the route. I do not see this button. I see only the button to display/hide the Routing Window and that window is totally empty. What am I missing? |
Hello, heck of a job working that one out. To display the three routing items, ('+flag' (add points)'-flag'(remove points)and 'drag points') in the left panel you must click on the double right pointing symbol, (something like this >>). That brings up a new panel on the left where you can enable the three buttons, tick beside the item means its enabled/displayed. This routing is new to me, took a while to figure it out and IMHO it's not worth the effort. Much better options dedicated to routing. Some tips I found out, download a layer of data to more than cover your intended route. Open the Mapnik image layer to better show the streets, click on the green routing nodes. Regards Bernard 1
Thanks very much Bernard, The three flags were there all the time but cleverly placed at the top of the side menu bar where I didn't notice them DOH! I agree with you — the results I got with a few minutes of playing with it suggest I'd be better off looking elsewhere for routing help. What I was trying to do was find a way to test routes in which there are routing errors that I found either through using my GPS, or Garmin's Basecamp. My brief look at this plugin convinced me it isn't gonna work for that purpose. You mentioned better options. Would you care to elaborate? Cheers, Dave
(19 Feb '14, 08:37)
No problem, I think this might suit the purpose you propose to use it for:-http://yournavigation.org/index.php very quick on short routes and many modes of transport, easy to move points. Regards Bernard
(19 Feb '14, 15:29)