In JOSM one can save the data layer and load it later, it also has the ability to update the map. Seems like a good idea - download once, than only update, saves my time downloading, saves server time sending, I can work offline and later somehow merge the edits if needed. Does it have any meaning to have local copy of data and update it compared to fresh downloads for each edit? Any advantages I did not mention? Any hidden drawbacks? |
If you do not have any pending edits, I'd recommend, starting from scratch with a fresh download. Update data is a shortcut for the following actions:
Update can be useful when you like to check for conflicts. Also, it's handy, if you have many small boxes and you want the most recent data, but downloading the boxes one by one would be too cumbersome. Note that Update selection and Update modified work differently: The bounding boxes do not matter; JOSM will request only data for the selected / modified objects. |