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The Web Map Service for an OpenStreetMap recently started displaying a reddish overlay, and I am struggling to determine the cause of this. The developer who created the maps/WMS is no longer with us, and so my team can not ask him any questions about this project. I had little knowledge of this aspect of the project until a few days ago when it broke.

We have valid .kml files that display fine when placed directly into google earth or a basic map, but routing these files through the WMS seems to cause it to crash. I'm not even sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm sure someone has seen something similar before.

My main question is what would cause a red overlay (in IE only, apparently) as seen in the link below when using OpenStreetMap?

Furthermore... when you click the map, there's a javascript alert that says "unhandledRequest". That seems more of an ajax issue when fetching new data, but it could be related.



        ***The error in the httpd error_log file is:
        [Tue Nov 15 14:18:09 2011] [error] [client] /usr4/web/water_outlook/cgi/mapserv.cgi: line 7: /home/amurray/FWTools-2.0.6/ No such file or directory
        The file is there.***

asked 16 Nov '11, 23:19

mith36's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Nov '11, 23:59

Disregard this question as it is not relevant to this forum. (Where's the delete button?) Thanks.

(17 Nov '11, 00:02) mith36

I think this is a problem peculiar to your individual setup, so perhaps not quite what this site was intended for.

However, I get the red overlay in Opera too. Using Inspect element in Opera and looking at the network tab after loading the above page, there is an http 500 error (Internal Server Error) when trying to "GET /cgi/mapserv.cgi?map=/home/amurray/,3907" so I'd start by trying to resolve that.

permanent link

answered 16 Nov '11, 23:40

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thank you for the reply. We've tracked it down that far already, yes.

The error in the httpd error_log file is:

[Tue Nov 15 14:18:09 2011] [error] [client] /usr4/web/water_outlook/cgi/mapserv.cgi: line 7: /home/amurray/FWTools-2.0.6/ No such file or directory

The file is there.

I don't have administrative privs on this machine as it is remote work, so I had to ask the admin to supply me this info. I think the missing file is because it believes the first argument is missing-$arg0

(16 Nov '11, 23:45) mith36

Apologies if I chose the wrong forum. I'll look for a WMS one if this isn't the proper place.

(16 Nov '11, 23:48) mith36

The problem is not restricted to any browser and not related to OpenStreetMap.

You are using the javascript library OpenLayers to display the default OpenStreetMap layer with your own overlay. This overlay uses WMS with the url set to .

This url just gives an 500 error message. You should be able to find more information in the server logs.

permanent link

answered 16 Nov '11, 23:53

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks. See the comment to the previous answer. Apologies for posting this in the wrong place. We've already tracked it to that point.

(17 Nov '11, 00:01) mith36

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question asked: 16 Nov '11, 23:19

question was seen: 8,443 times

last updated: 17 Nov '11, 00:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum