Hello, perhaps a simple question as I'm new to the coding here: I'm looking to build a query to search for memorials/monuments that contains a term like "synagoge" or "ehemalige Synagoge" (Case insesitive search) So not an actual Synagoge itself, but a memorial to a former 'synagoge' that may be in the title, or the inscription of the plaque. Looking for a query to run in overpass that will allow me to only search monuments/memorials by adding a keyword (in this case looking for monuments to former synagogues in Germany) Would like to apply this query to a number of texts for descriptions/inscriptions of memorials in Germany. |
As a starter I tried the following overpass query:
see: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1oFM Now this query relies on the word "Synagoge" (case insensitive) being used in the description tag, so it won't find an object where there is no "Synagoge in the description tag. So I tried a second query, this time checking for the inscription tag finding some more places:
see: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1oFP Edit: Ok, found a way to combine those two searches, a UNION in Overpass QL (maybe there is a better way but this works) - so searching for objects that are tagged as historic=memorial and have the word Synagoge (case insensitive) either in description or inscription (or in both):
Thanks! I think this does it. The only addition would be to search the name as some are listed very simply. Wiesbaden, for example produces this result
// fetch area “Wiesbaden” to search in {{geocodeArea:Wiesbaden}}->.searchArea; // gather results ( node["historic"="memorial"]"description"~"synagoge",i; node["historic"="memorial"]"inscription"~"synagoge",i; node["historic"="memorial"]"name"~"synagoge",i; way["historic"="memorial"]"description"~"synagoge",i; way["historic"="memorial"]"inscription"~"synagoge",i; way["historic"="memorial"]"name"~"synagoge",i; relation["historic"="memorial"]"description"~"synagoge",i; relation["historic"="memorial"]"inscription"~"synagoge",i; relation["historic"="memorial"]"name"~"synagoge",i; ); // print results out body;
https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1oGj Or is the name search not the right way to go here? When I try to change the geocodeArea to a larger region, like Berlin or Hessen, I get a time out error. Ultimately, I'd like to run this query for the entire country of Germany. Thanks again for the help! |
Note: Increased the timeout and was able to query larger area. ! Let me know if the name search is the right way to go, but it appear to work! |