Hi everyone ... New to mapping and just testing OpenStreetMaps vs Google Maps. When i embed OSM into webpages, the maps are not as sharp as GM on high resolution retina screens. Why is this and can this problem be fixed? Thanks for your advice ... |
You can set up your own OSM-based tile server with retina resolution (switch2osm.org provides instructions), or buy OSM services from a commercial vendor. For retina support on openstreetmap.org, see https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/104 Just what i wanted to know. Thanks so much Frederik !
(07 Jan '22, 15:45)
You'll also find more information and examples about high resolution tiles in the wiki:
permanent link
This answer is marked "community wiki".
There is also the ESRI OpenStreetMap vector tiles viewable on the web in a range of styles: ESRI OpenStreetMap vector tiles on ArcGIS Online This is the one for the more-or-less clone of the "Standard" map: Alas... not without the typical "vector tile" inherent defects like missing landuse on lower zoom scales due to the limitations of most current vector tile frameworks and compromises needed to be made for avoiding rendering milions of vector objects in a typical view port on a large screen... Thanks mboeringa - i'll take a closer look.
(08 Jan '22, 08:14)