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I'm a brand new user apparently trying to do something complicated.

When I was not logged in and looking at the map for southern Guam, the large area for Naval Base Guam Ordnance Annex says "Naval Hospital Guam (Joint Region", without the closed parentheses. So I figured I would make an account and fix it, but when I hit edit, it now says "Joint Region Marianas".

Both of these are very wrong and I can't figure out where on the map I should click to edit these large areas. Or maybe I can't edit large areas as a new user?

I would appreciate any assistance.

asked 04 Mar '21, 01:23

Kephalonomancy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thank you all! I managed to find the "Hospital Guam (Joint Region", using TZorn's suggestion and delete the tag.

I still have the second part of my earlier issue in that "Joint Region Marianas" is now plastered over the Naval Magazine location, though the correct label also pops up if I zoom in. When I finally found "Naval Hospital Guam (Joint Region" it highlighted a bunch of military properties around the island in what seems to be a relationship "Joint Region Marianas". JRM does administrative support for military properties on the island. And OSM has decided the Naval Magazine is the place to display that relationship?

I can no longer find this "Joint Region Marianas" relationship by searching in OSM. Can I just ask that someone make it so it doesn't display? It's as if someone created a relations for all the national parks in the US and "National Park Service" displayed in big letters over Wyoming on the U.S. map.

If anyone is feeling really energetic, can someone add Naval Base Guam and Andersen Air Force Base to the "Joint Region Marianas" relationship? It's weird that the most important bits under JRM don't appear. In any case, the situation has upgraded from "blatantly wrong" to "confusing and incomplete." I will not do anything but fiddle with point landmarks and building footprints for a long while, I think.

Thanks again!

(04 Mar '21, 21:39) Kephalonomancy

Hi. Just deleting the name is ok but maybe not the best way you could have handled the issue. Is there not an alternative name you could have added instead of the wrong one?

The military area is still tagged with the wikidata object Q6269350 which is named "Joint Region Marianas" and which links back to said OSM relation. In your question you say that is also wrong. If you have the knowledge could you sort that out somehow?

(07 Mar '21, 20:03) TZorn

Hi Kephalonomancy. Welcome to OpenStreetMap.

There are no limitations as to what a new user can do or not. It's more a matter of the editor to use for large areas. The in-broswer editor iD is not so suited for that but still it works.

I recommend that you go to the website and load the page of the feature you want to edit. You can do so by entering the name "Naval Hospital Guam (Joint Region" into the search box and search for it. Then in the left pain select the object. It will be displayed on the map with orange outline. Scroll in to a maximum on any point on the outline. Now hit the editor button to open iD. The object should be pre-selected and the name displayed. You can easily edit it now.

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answered 04 Mar '21, 08:58

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

In the default web-based iD editor-software, you can see name=Naval Hospital Guam (Joint Region Marianas) is enclosed in name=Naval Hospital Guam (Joint Region from the bottom left section. Usually one would be able to select larger overlapping areas by sliding in & out, so I assume this doesn't work for a multipolygon?

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answered 04 Mar '21, 08:25

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 04 Mar '21, 08:29

Hi, I think you'll find the problem is with the multipolygon relation:- Relation: Naval Hospital Guam (Joint Region (7361545) In which the name is different from the name on the polygon:- Way: Naval Hospital Guam (Joint Region Marianas) (503877744).

I don't know how easy this is to fix with the iD editor but it's easy with JOSM editor. Please be aware that the multipolygon name refers to all twenty objects grouped in the multipolygon each of which has its own name. If you want me to fix it please confirm the correct name.

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answered 04 Mar '21, 08:34

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

There was another spelling mistake with "Naval Base Guam Harmon", (it had extra white spaces), I've corrected that.

(04 Mar '21, 08:39) BCNorwich

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question asked: 04 Mar '21, 01:23

question was seen: 1,312 times

last updated: 07 Mar '21, 20:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum