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Sorry if this dups, I got messages I didn't have time to read before they disappeared.

I'm trying to merge a badly broken-up road into a single object. Most of this worked fine until I got to a bridge.

If I select the road segments and the bridge, it won't let me merge because the tags have different values.

If I select just the two road segments, I can't merge because the two ends are not at the same point.

What's the trick here?

asked 19 Aug '20, 14:36

Maury%20Markowitz's gravatar image

Maury Markowitz
accept rate: 0%

You don't (merge the bridge in to the road).

It is normal in the OSM data model that a road is split in to many segments, may it be because of tags that change (for example maxspeed), may be it because of membership of a segment in a route or turn restriction, or that part of the road is on a bridge.

It would be best if you could provide a link to the road in question so that we can have a look at it.

permanent link

answered 19 Aug '20, 14:41

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 19 Aug '20, 14:41

It would be best if you could provide a link to the road in question so that we can have a look at it.

How do I do that?

(19 Aug '20, 14:44) Maury Markowitz

Well if a nav point is OK, the location is 45.3786,-78.0083, and concerns North McKenzie Lake Road. You can see the bridge.

There is no reason for this road to be broken into segments, the entire road is a single unpaved road with no changes in speed or anything like that.

(19 Aug '20, 14:46) Maury Markowitz

If you are in the editor and have selected part of the road in question, there should be a link in the bottom left hand corner "View on". Click on the link and then copy the address from the browser.

(19 Aug '20, 14:48) SimonPoole ♦

That looks good as it is from a geometry pov, as the bridge realyl requires different tags, simply don't merge that (I noticed that the road crosses a stream to the south, that probably needs a bridge or a ford too).

Things to note:

  • road classification, unclassified is for bits of the public road network. If it is a forestry road or similar highway=track might be appropriate (but these things can be a bit fuzzy),

  • looking at the aerial imagery (the ESRI layer is quite good there), there seems to be something that looks like an abandoned train line (just guessing) that is partially parallel to the road, that would be a good thing to add too.

(19 Aug '20, 15:01) SimonPoole ♦

Yes, that is precisely what it is, the remains of the Central Ontario Railway, now used as a snowmobile track. I am surprised this is not part of the CanVec data, its widely used and shows on TomTom data and so forth.

(19 Aug '20, 15:03) Maury Markowitz
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question asked: 19 Aug '20, 14:36

question was seen: 1,075 times

last updated: 19 Aug '20, 15:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum