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I'm having a problem where OSM says that "[Road]" crosses "toll booth." How can I fix that without removing the building, or road?

asked 02 Apr '20, 06:03

Timbot4x4's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Could you please link to an example where that happens? Then we can check if that is an issue with the mapping of the toll booth or if it is your router/satnav giving confusing instructions.

(02 Apr '20, 07:55) TZorn

I think Timbot4x4 might be referring to the Changeset: 82955289 where they added barrier=tollbooth area=yes to three existing buildings over three existing tollbooth nodes.

The tollbooth nodes on the highway are the actual barriers. The buildings are structures over the barriers, they ought not to be tagged as barrier=toll_booth as they are not barriers to the highway (they're not connected to the highway). The area tag is not needed on a building polygon, (a polygon is a bounded area).

The tollbooth node on the highway should hold all restriction, barrier and toll fee information.

permanent link

answered 02 Apr '20, 08:28

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


I see. Looking at some imagery those seem to be booth for getting/paying parking tickets. Do we tag those as toll booths?

height=15.7 seems to be way off, too. On Google images I see clearance heights of 6'8" to 7'10".

(02 Apr '20, 08:43) TZorn

The tag tollbooth is used to describe a barrier to a highway. In this case the tollbooth barrier is the existing tagged node on the highway as per :- The building isn't connected to the highway so isn't a barrier to the highway. The building could be described as building=tollbooth but not barrier=tollbooth.

(02 Apr '20, 09:01) BCNorwich

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question asked: 02 Apr '20, 06:03

question was seen: 1,734 times

last updated: 02 Apr '20, 09:01

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