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In my area I have a lot of weird traffic bump table chicane... and sometimes there are very long and combine multiple solutions like chicane with bump and crossing for pedestrians. What's the best way to draw them ?

For now I add 2 points (set to "speed bump" on the object type) on the road line and set this section to "speed bump/speed reducer" and modify the speed to 30km/h. But I saw that some already existed with just a point in the middle set with "speed bump". I have the feeling that this is not very precise :/

Same type of question; when you specify chicane on a road, do you add attributes or change the object type to chicane ?

So what's your opinion guy ?

asked 21 Nov '19, 23:25

Winultimate's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Nov '19, 23:37

Well in principle these are traffic_calming table see

If you don't want to simply add a point on the road (part of the actual OSM way) then you could split the way at the start and end of the table and simply add traffic_calming=table to the segment (no guarantees that there are currently routers that would use it though).

Please don't add non-existing speed limits to the objects though.

As to a chicane, except if very long, as a tendency I would add it as a point on the road.

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answered 22 Nov '19, 11:20

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 22 Nov '19, 12:37

Ok so both is alright :)

Don't worry, in France all traffic calming come with speed reduction (30km/h) so in theory all maps should indicate a section at 30km/h around it. Unless OSM calculs this automaticaly ?

Ok got it for the chicanes.

(22 Nov '19, 17:40) Winultimate

In general, OSM doesn't map traffic law. There are wiki pages to record the "defaults" per jurisdiction. A note should probably be added to the relevant page about speed limits through traffic calming (if there isn't one already).

(23 Nov '19, 10:05) InsertUser

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question asked: 21 Nov '19, 23:25

question was seen: 1,395 times

last updated: 23 Nov '19, 10:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum