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I have a problem with my new garmin, I downloaded two OSM maps of Poland (both validated).

And on my commputer is ok, i have full detailed maps, but on my garmin for the same map I have only main road ( highways). I trying to calculate the route but i have a remark:

"maps do not have roads on which to route a route in this area"

Do you know what is the problem? Why i dont have full maps on my garmin?

BR, xyz1986

asked 27 Jul '19, 14:39

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What links did you use to download the PC map and the Garmin map?

(27 Jul '19, 15:09) andy mackey

I could not see a date for the .nl map but that may have used newer osm data. The second link shows:- The last map update: 02/10/2018.

(27 Jul '19, 16:53) andy mackey

Try using basecamp to send the better map to the Garmin. Put a garmin.img file of the .NL map into the Montanas map folder.

(27 Jul '19, 16:59) andy mackey

I don't have Montana but some Garmins i have used have a setting to show more or less map detail. Try changing the Montanas settings. I will search for a pdf of the instructions.

(27 Jul '19, 17:03) andy mackey

here's one in english, other languages as well i guess.

(27 Jul '19, 17:06) andy mackey

page 11 ( english ) setup:map:advanced map setting:detail... sets amount of detail ... does this help?

(27 Jul '19, 17:18) andy mackey

Did you actually use Basecamp to install the map onto your Montana?

When you install the downloaded maps onto your computer the detailed info they contain will be visible only on your computer until after you install the map onto your Garmin.

(27 Jul '19, 18:49) AlaskaDave
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question asked: 27 Jul '19, 14:39

question was seen: 1,274 times

last updated: 27 Jul '19, 18:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum