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Hello, here is thing: i have a project with map displaying but that territory has the disputed territories the border of which is marked as dotted line. Is it possible to show that border as a solid line but not a dotted line? Also is it possible to do on back end part through API not on Front end side by drawing a border? Thanks

asked 05 Apr '19, 16:03

MikhailDB2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


We'd need much more information before we can give you any help. What software are you using for your project (rendering, API, map display, etc.)? What rendering style? Which border?

(05 Apr '19, 16:42) alester

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question asked: 05 Apr '19, 16:03

question was seen: 907 times

last updated: 05 Apr '19, 16:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum