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I have tried to reach out to spicy6a privately as well as publicly without success.

All of their changes except for the very first ones were repeated vandalism of an Indian restaurant called Spicy 6 in Vancouver.

I have surveyed the restaurant today and it was open under the name of Spicy 6, as expected, and so I have reverted all of their changes over the last few months.

The weird thing is that this user account is the one that added the restaurant in the first place. I suspect that either the company they hired to add their entry turned against them, or their account was compromised. Either way, it would be helpful if they could be banned so that I don't have to keep reverting their changesets.

asked 24 May '18, 03:22

fmarier's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Looks like the accepted answer covers it quite well.

I emailed with the details and they put a 96 hour ban in place:

permanent link

answered 24 May '18, 03:29

fmarier's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 24 May '18, 16:57

Looking at the address they keep changing it too, would it help to add that restaurant in the proper place and let them know? Looking at the addresses of Mexicali and Riya's Pizza I'm guessing it should be between them somewhere in this area: Oh, and spicy6 doesn't have a fast_food or restaurant tag (whichever is relevant), so isn't rendering on the default layer.

(24 May '18, 09:50) EdLoach ♦

Is it legit to add a restaurant approximately just based on their website and without having surveyed it?

Good catch for the missing tag on Spicy 6. It's now fixed:

(24 May '18, 16:56) fmarier

I wouldn't add something based just on a website, for a couple of reasons. One is that the website might be a "ghost" of a business that folded long ago (I can think of plenty of local pub websites like that); another is that for some business types (locksmiths, rubbish removal) often the website info is nearly or actually fraudulent. The wiki has an article "verifiability".

Also - I've accepted your answer to this question - hope you don't mind.

(25 May '18, 22:23) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 24 May '18, 03:22

question was seen: 2,168 times

last updated: 25 May '18, 22:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum