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I am looking to create a commercial application that will sell data collected back to the consumer and business. I am curious on how I can set this up properly because I know there are some licenses that states the data has to be shared. After doing some research not he forums I have found this :

but being a complete noob I am having trouble understanding everything in its entirety.

From what I can gather you can create a separate database with closed data that you can sell as long as it is distinctly labeled and separated from the open source data that would need to be shared.

I would need to get some type of legal documents to protect my closed data.

Any data published must be distinct in whether it is closed or open data

I am looking to collect meta data for closed end data that I can sell and need help in setting that up. I would like to collect geolocations, time and date of usage, duration of usage, to just name a few. I saw in the post linked above that if I used an open source geolocation I cannot use it in my closed data.

How can I set it up so I have full control and access to the data my application collects. And what steps can I take? What services do I use to make the complete package that Im looking for?

asked 27 Jul '17, 14:48

cambria1295's gravatar image

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question asked: 27 Jul '17, 14:48

question was seen: 1,128 times

last updated: 27 Jul '17, 14:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum