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Hi, is there a way to get back from search API only the address (i.e. without names of businesses in that place etc.) in a normalized way so that if I use different queries that describe the same address I will get the same address.

(I'm trying to link users to their addresses even if they wrote it differently on different sites)


my desired flow: 1. I'm getting a single line address (from a 3-party provider so I have no control of its structure) 2. I will use this address as a query for the search API (or a different API if there's a more suitable one) 3. the response should be a single normalized address (I don't care what's in that address) 4. by normalized I mean that if I a address is "<description>,CA" and one is "<same description="">, California" I will get the same response 5. finnaly I will store the result in a DB.

can I achieve this with the search API? do I need another API? are there parameters I should use in my request to achieve this?

asked 05 Jan '16, 09:31

tal_joffe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Jan '16, 07:16

Hello, please EDIT your question and give us an example step-by-step what you want to achieve. Otherwise your question is too abstract, IMHO.

(05 Jan '16, 17:28) stephan75

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question asked: 05 Jan '16, 09:31

question was seen: 3,373 times

last updated: 06 Jan '16, 07:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum