The anonymous editing feature does not seem to work any more, my maps are ready-only even if I use the crypting link. Opened in the browser, I get immediately redirected to the view-only map. I tried with an empty map to make sure I copy & pasted the correct link but there, too, was no edit feature any more. Example: Any ideas? |
I think it is best to tell/ask the operator of this service (click the "feedback" link on top, which leads to the developer – also good, open a new "issue" in the issue tracker). Please mention the "issue" link here once you have created it. As far as I know the developer Yohan Boniface is not very active here on this help site, so we can only help with minor usage issues. The feedback button points to and from there I got the link to this forum :-)
(26 Aug '14, 23:53)
… yes, I saw this, too. I have added a clarifying comment there. Thanks. :-)
(26 Aug '14, 23:55)
aseerel4c26 ♦
likely (not fully sure what is meant) the same was reported (in German) yesterday there: geheimer-bearbeitungslink-funktioniert-nicht.
@aseerel4c26: Yes, sounds like the same problem, although that reporter did not mention "umap" or any specific URL.
Thanks for the report @aseerel4c26, it should be fixed now!
Yes, works again, thanks @ybon!