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Hi: Get this message when trying to save changes. Any ideas how to avoid receiving this message? Thanks

asked 18 Jul '13, 01:45

slover98's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 18 Jul '13, 06:30

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

which editor? Does it occur the first time?

(18 Jul '13, 01:46) aseerel4c26 ♦

Sorry, it is in iD editor. Since I started editing in March, this happened for the first time.

(18 Jul '13, 01:56) slover98

Also, I just noticed that when I try to save, before I get that message, I see the following message:


Untagged point
Untagged point
Untagged point
Untagged point
Untagged point
(18 Jul '13, 01:57) slover98

I just got the same error in JOSM 17833 :/

(11 May '21, 23:32) pangoSE

Likely an error by the API: error APIBadUserInput in app/models/way.rb. It means that a new (indicated by the negative ID) way references a new node which is not in the data which you have uploaded to the server. I think that means that the editor you are using has a bug (or there is too much radiation from the sun...). If you can remember the steps what you did before and this is reproducible it is worth a bug report, so it can get fixed.

If you want to upload your remaining changes, try to delete the new way (with the ID -536).

permanent link

answered 18 Jul '13, 01:55

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

I am afraid I don't know how to locate the new way (I was mostly adding buildings and minor driveways), but I switched to iD Beta, it asked me to save unsaved changed which I did, then I switched back to iD, did some minor changes and this time it saved them. I did some other changes and it is now saving them again without any error messages. I guess it is fixed.

(18 Jul '13, 02:15) slover98

In iD your only chance is to delete all new ways each one after each other (or use "undo") and try to save each time. iD does not display this temporary object iD. Potlatch2 does, JOSM apparently not. However, as said, if the API has no bug and if there was no network problem then it is a bug in iD.

(18 Jul '13, 13:21) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 18 Jul '13, 01:45

question was seen: 7,639 times

last updated: 12 May '21, 07:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum