J'ai créé un restaurant sur une carte et il n'apparaît pas lorsque je fais un export image de cette carte. Y a t'il un moyen de le faire ? Update: The place is here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/2189947016 - waypoint: "maison portugaise" restaurant |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Problem solved. Seems to have been a (somewhat) standard "mapnik" update lag problem." by aseerel4c26 07 Mar '13, 20:43
Thanks for the restaurant in question - however the first part of my question is missing an answer. If you mean this image http://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/18/133933/95797.png - the restaurant is shown there. If you don't see it please reload in your browser (without cache) or clear your whole cache. Ctrl+F5 usually does such a reload. See the question How often does the main (mapnik) map get updated for more info on this topic. |
Where did you do the export (which website / URL)? Could you provide a link (permalink) to the POI in question?