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I was looking for a map of Mauritius island and I was happy to find that Open Street Map has it. Now that I found it I will appreciate if someone can tell me in what format to export the file and how to converted if needed before I save it in my Garmin nuvi 2455, so that I can navigate to and search for places. Many thanks for your help.

asked 02 Feb '13, 12:06

Boj33's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can download "ready made for Garmin" maps based on Openstreetmap data from many providers. Most of them are listed in the wiki.

permanent link

answered 02 Feb '13, 12:45

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Thanks, how it works , what shall I do once I open the link?

(02 Feb '13, 13:55) Boj33

You went to the wrong page. Please go to the page I linked to in the answer above.

(02 Feb '13, 14:47) cartinus

I did, but I do not find Mauritius there...

(04 Feb '13, 08:26) Boj33

On the wiki page. You'll see a number of providers listed as "worldwide", such as this one. Mauritius is listed under "Africa":

Screenshot of

(04 Feb '13, 09:00) SomeoneElse ♦

10x a million , it works :)

(05 Feb '13, 18:45) Boj33

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question asked: 02 Feb '13, 12:06

question was seen: 8,926 times

last updated: 09 Sep '14, 09:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum