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Hi, all. I download an OSM file from open street map, and I want to parse this file. However, I find there are some replicated ways for the same road, while these ways may have different nodes refs and the same updating timestamp. My question is that how can I filter these ways when I plan to render the road? in other words, which way description I should choose?

asked 24 Jan '13, 06:21

danielnet's gravatar image

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Can you post the way ids, and explain how you got the file (was it via the Export tab, or a third-party provider)?

(24 Jan '13, 08:28) Richard ♦

It is also possible that the replicated ways are really in the OSM database. They might belong to a landuse area or an administrative boundary. Check the tags. Or it can be simply a mistake by a newcomer converting a GPX to a road and not merging with the existing data. So check with an editor and the real DB if your replicated ways are like this originaly or if it comes from an export issue.

(24 Jan '13, 12:18) Pieren

I guess Danielnet may mean a road being split into several segments, which of course all have the same name tag but different nodes at different positions and usually different other tags. That is a totally valid and often used way to represent one road in our database. As Richard said, some example way ids would be very helpful here.

(24 Jan '13, 16:30) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 24 Jan '13, 06:21

question was seen: 1,073 times

last updated: 24 Jan '13, 16:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum