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For personal use I've been printing some simple vector line drawing of local cities base on OSM.

Now I've been asked to sell these. Can I do that under the OSM license and do I have to put a copyright tag on the print?

Best regards Peter

asked 29 Jan '15, 18:11

peterpall's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, and yes. You can see the details of the required attribution at .

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answered 29 Jan '15, 19:09

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%


... and have a search for "commercial" on this FAQ site ...

(29 Jan '15, 19:44) stephan75

Now I've been asked to sell these. Can I do that under the OSM license

Yes! OSM allows commerical usage of OSM. Part of the goal of this project has been to make something that can be used by anyone for practically anything (including selling). There are currently many people, and companies that make money from selling OSM data or services around it. (See a list here.) You do not need to ask permission for each time or anything restrictive like that. (Though if you are in doubt, feel free to ask here/other OSM sources).

do I have to put a copyright tag on the print

As Richard says, the OpenStreetMap Copyright Guide should tell you more.

For a map, you just need to put "© OpenStreetMap contributors" (and some other things).

You are not required to give OSM any cut of your sale. You can keep all the money/profits/revenue you make. Of course, if you'd like to give "OSM" money, you can give money to the OpenStreetMap Foundation. There is also the more expensive OSMF Corporate Membership.

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answered 30 Jan '15, 09:17

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

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question asked: 29 Jan '15, 18:11

question was seen: 9,838 times

last updated: 30 Jan '15, 09:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum