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I have a problem with the result of reverse geocoding. I have created a local instance of openstreet with an Italy OSM database downloaded from geofabrik. The local instance daily updates the database. When I search an address with public request:

The result of road is: "Viale Ventuno Aprile"

But when I call my local instance with the same request the result of road is different. Why?

asked 19 Jun '19, 13:03

Matteo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please show / explain the difference.

(19 Jun '19, 13:19) scai ♦

Online instance:

<reversegeocode timestamp="Wed, 19 Jun 19 13:52:27 +0000" attribution="Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. &lt;a href=" http:="""" copyright""="">" querystring="format=xml&lat=41.9189&lon=12.52001&zoom=18&accept-language=it"> <result place_id="199361633" osm_type="relation" osm_id="5459681" ref="Q. V" lat="41.91649835" lon="12.5197118043497" boundingbox="41.9027733,41.930266,12.5013138,12.5325107"> Quartiere V Nomentano, Viale Ventuno Aprile, San Lorenzo, Municipio Roma II, Roma, RM, LAZ, 00162, Italia </result> <addressparts> <address29>Quartiere V Nomentano</address29> <road>Viale Ventuno Aprile</road> <neighbourhood>San Lorenzo</neighbourhood> <suburb>Municipio Roma II</suburb> <city>Roma</city> <county>RM</county> <state>LAZ</state> <postcode>00162</postcode> <country>Italia</country> <country_code>it</country_code> </addressparts> </reversegeocode>

(19 Jun '19, 14:53) Matteo

Local instance:


<reversegeocode timestamp="Wed, 19 Jun 19 13:53:40 +0000" attribution="Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. &lt;a href=" http:="""" copyright""="">" querystring="format=xml&lat=41.9189&lon=12.52001&zoom=18&accept-language=it"> <result place_id="7767144" osm_type="relation" osm_id="5459681" ref="Q. V" lat="41.91649835" lon="12.5197118043497" boundingbox="41.9027733,41.930266,12.5013138,12.5325107"> Quartiere V Nomentano, Via Antonio Gallonio, San Lorenzo, Municipio Roma II, Roma, RM, LAZ, 00162, Italia </result> <addressparts> <address29>Quartiere V Nomentano</address29> <road>Via Antonio Gallonio</road> <neighbourhood>San Lorenzo</neighbourhood> <suburb>Municipio Roma II</suburb> <city>Roma</city> <county>RM</county> <state>LAZ</state> <postcode>00162</postcode> <country>Italia</country> <country_code>it</country_code> </addressparts> </reversegeocode>

(19 Jun '19, 14:54) Matteo

See the <road> tag

(19 Jun '19, 14:54) Matteo

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question asked: 19 Jun '19, 13:03

question was seen: 800 times

last updated: 19 Jun '19, 14:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum