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I am developing indoor navigation application on android smartphones . I have created indoor map of the building using JOSM editor . I dont want to spend much time on implementation of routing is any ready to use engine/api that i can use?

-> I would prefer it offline but online would also do

asked 15 Jan '12, 15:44

teksan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Nov '13, 17:26

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

For Android, there are two routing engines available that are currently working off-line to my knowledge.

There is the Navit engine. Navit is coded in C, with a Java shell around it to work on Android.

And there is the OsmAnd engine. OsmAnd is a native Android app, so it is coded in Java. But the devs are thinking about porting it to C (or C++) for better performance.

Both engines require a different, quite specific, file type and handling libraries.

The Navit engine has a better performance (I doubt it is important for indoor routing), but the OsmAnd code is probably easier to adapt or integrate into your project (as in OsmAnd you can choose the routing engine from various on-line routers, or the off-line one).

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answered 16 Jan '12, 17:06

Sanderd17's gravatar image

accept rate: 31%

Please spend a little bit of time and have an intensive look at the routing page in the OSM wiki.

If you have any detailed questions then, come to OSM forum or te Routing mailigng list.

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answered 15 Jan '12, 19:09

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 15 Jan '12, 19:10

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question asked: 15 Jan '12, 15:44

question was seen: 7,346 times

last updated: 05 Nov '13, 17:26

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