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Other question: Is there not a software management system in openstreetmap to get the old existing part of that street back before this part should be made new!?

asked 14 Jan '12, 16:25

der-sigi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

converted to question 14 Jan '12, 16:55

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

I got 0.2.4 maps from which have this street part inside. Maybe this info helps.

(14 Jan '12, 16:30) der-sigi

This question was originally part of , but is useful enough to have as a separate question.

(14 Jan '12, 16:56) SomeoneElse ♦

Re the "Mapsforge" map that's compiled from OSM data. I've no idea if it's possible to go back the other way. Maybe have a look here:

(14 Jan '12, 17:14) SomeoneElse ♦

One of the areas in question is here (see other help question for question in comment and picture).

One method that you can use to see deleted ways is to use "Potlatch 1". First of all, zoom in to one end of the problem area. That takes us to here. Next, move the mouse over the "edit" tab but don't click it. You should get an option to "Edit with Potlatch 1" as well as Potlatch 2 and Remote Control (of JOSM or Merkaartor). Click "Edit with Save" when prompted. Next, move the mouse down to "advanced" at the bottom and when the menu appears go up to "undelete" and release the mouse. Shortly a new red-coloured way will appear - that's the one that has been deleted. If you click it, you can see that it is this one (that's the history link - if that doesn't work click here).

It looks like someone has replaced the old "Poppenweiler Straße" with a new one, but not named it. Is it really just a track (the way that you're describing it it sounds like it may not be)? Anyway, you can now see from that link who deleted it and ask them about it, and perhaps work together to better describe the area.

permanent link

answered 14 Jan '12, 17:13

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Hi SomeoneElse. Thanks for your very good help. But for me it is the same as with that Potlatch 2, it doesn't work for me. I see POIs on the map area, but no other things. When I go to "advanced" and "undelete" some red lines come up, but no other parts - only POIs. So I can not know which of the red street parts is that one I need. No working possible. Sorry.

(14 Jan '12, 17:32) der-sigi

Click on one of the red ways - the information will be shown at the bottom of the screen.

(14 Jan '12, 17:34) SomeoneElse ♦

Sorry, not for me.

(14 Jan '12, 19:46) der-sigi

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question asked: 14 Jan '12, 16:25

question was seen: 3,549 times

last updated: 14 Jan '12, 19:46

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