I can easily display a GPX track on an openlayers map using the example code at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Openlayers_Track_example or by using this alternative code I can also display waypoints (but not their names):
I would like to be able to display the names of the waypoints. The waypoints are in the GPX file in the following format:
I can't fathom the javascript, and there are no examples on the web. Can anyone help? |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by Frederik Ramm 14 Jan '12, 17:07
See Getting Help on the OpenLayers forum for ways to find help with OpenLayers. This is the OpenStreetMap help system and your question is not related to OpenStreetMap. As far as I'm concerned openlayers is linked with openstreetmap. If you look at the quote above you'll see the link http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Openlayers_Track_example The openlayers help is messy and confusing. The first line "How can I add a question to this FAQ?" does nothing to answer the question. Ironically.
(13 Dec '12, 15:16)
I'll add to that comment. There is no OpenLayers forum. OpenLayers help is terrible. It is no help at all. In fact I can't find any way of asking a question.
(14 Dec '12, 13:55)
Try the mailing list or Stack Exchange (GIS, Stackoverflow).
(14 Dec '12, 14:02)
scai ♦
I found the answer. But I'm not telling you.
(28 Mar '13, 16:57)