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hi guys i would like to use my etrex 20 in conjunction with a microSD card to store the maps on. I want all of the core functionality to remain on the device including geocaches but I would like the maps on the microSD because the copy speed down the wire is hideously slow and i can connect a microsd card direct to the computer.

can someone tell me how

asked 13 Jan '12, 20:03

macca21's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would agree that you should follow the instructions given in the first answer to your question, with one additional point. Garmin used to allow only one extra map in addition to the supplied basemap, and it had to be called 'GMAPSUPP.IMG'. They dropped that limitation in the Dakota / Colorado / Oregon series, and now you can use several maps in the 'GARMIN' folder on the memory card, with any file names, provided that the files are in Garmin map format and the file names have the '.IMG' extension. The long file names used on talkytoaster's excellent web site work fine on my Etrex 30, so I would expect them to work just as well on an Etrex 20.

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answered 15 Jan '12, 21:48

Madryn's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Have a look at the top answer to this question. Have you already decided which OSM map you're going to use with your eTrex 20 yet (there are many available)?

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answered 13 Jan '12, 20:40

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

yes I would like to use talkytoasters free maps. the reason I ask for help is I am unsure about using two maps and i would like to use his OS 1:50k style map and his standard GB map

(14 Jan '12, 18:05) macca21

You can't combine multiple gmapsupp.img files on the eTrex Vista HCX that I have, although some newer Garmins apparently can support multiple files (see here for example). I'm not sure if the eTrex 20 does too - easiest to try it and then let everyone know!

Also, have a read of this thread from the mkgmap list (mkgmap is the software most used to create Garmin map files).

(15 Jan '12, 19:13) SomeoneElse ♦

I am not an experienced user, but in the past couple of days, I have been experimenting with my Etrex20. I loaded 2 uniquely named, non-overlapping map files directly on the onboard memory of the E20 rather than on the SD micro card. I booted up my E20, and both supplemental maps were listed under the map selector but with the same name (that is my only problem). I used both maps - one for Sask Canada, and the other for Costa Rica. I am using a 16GB SD micro and it takes the E20 considerable time to read it, so I thought I would try using the on board memory. I also built a custom non-routable map of the area I live in and placed it in the custom map folder. So far, no problems, everything works.

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answered 02 Nov '12, 15:53

Staller27's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Have a look at this Question in addition some garmins will allow you to choose from several maps in memory. My 1310 will, my etrex vista HCX will only load a map with the specific name mentioned, I think the etrex 20 will allow the selection of a choice of maps, be careful you don't name two the same and then loose one.I would suggest that you could swop SSDs to choose other maps,but only when powered off though or it may reset or damage your unit,Memory cards are the best place to record your track to besides internal memory, as in the Vista a long walk with regular logging will fill the inbuilt memory and according to set-up will stop recording or delete the oldest points. note downloading a GMapsupp zipped file can take 30 minutes or so on my set up so use a quicker connection if available. Good Luck

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answered 17 Jan '12, 13:38

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 18 Jan '12, 00:04

memory cards come in different speeds, cables can be usb1 or usb2 and may slow things up as well

(17 Jan '12, 13:40) andy mackey

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question asked: 13 Jan '12, 20:03

question was seen: 28,321 times

last updated: 02 Nov '12, 15:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum