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He editado una calle (Alameda principal en Málaga) uniendo varios tramos de la misma para que aparezca como una sola calle. Ahora al buscarla en Nominatim no aparece la calle. Pone que se ha borrado. He borrado el tramo y he creado la calle completa. Alguien me puede ayudar por favor??

asked 13 Jan '12, 11:58

mariasmeg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jun '13, 03:45

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


"I edited a street (Alameda Principal in Malaga) linking various sections of it to appear as a single street. Now the Nominatim search does not show the street. It says that it has been deleted. I deleted the section and I have recreated the whole street. Someone please help me?"

(13 Jan '12, 13:32) SomeoneElse ♦

What Nominatim is searching isn't currently 100% up to date, so any new changes won't get seen by it immediately. What follows is my understanding of the Nominatim story, and may be somewhat incorrect:

I think, from reading this, that Nominatim "proxies requests to the MapQuest instance of due to [OSM] nominatim admin being overstretched.". That would be fine, except that Mapquest's Nominatim isn't quite up to date at the moment. It is. however, expected to be up-to-date soon (possibly some time this month), which is excellent news - but even then, you won't be able to search for "new" roads immediately after you've entered them, and if you delete a road (a way in OSM) and add it back again it'll be "new" as far as Nominatim is concerned.

One other point, and that's about "linking various sections of it to appear as a single street".

It's actually quite normal for longer streets to be split into sections, if different things (different tags in OSM) apply to different sections. There are two bus routes marked that use the Alameda Principal, the 11 and the N1. From looking at the route I'm guessing that they terminate at the Alameda Principal at the western end of their journey and then turn around and then go back east. If you look here and here (you might need to wait a little while for the blue of the bus route to appear) it looks as if they also use the far western parts of the Alameda Principal, which I suspect that they actually don't.

That might be the reason why the Alameda Principal was mapped originally using more than one "way" in OSM.

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answered 13 Jan '12, 13:17

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 13 Jan '12, 15:11

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦

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question asked: 13 Jan '12, 11:58

question was seen: 3,704 times

last updated: 09 Jun '13, 03:45

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