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I do some mountain biking and try to update OSM with anything that was missing. Some tracks in North Wales which I am sure as I can be (without having made notes) used to exist, do not currently exist. (Whether I added them or found they were already there is not the issue.) These are not obscure illicit paths, they are nationally know purpose built MTB trails.

Is there any way to search for deleted objects in a given area (a few square km) ?

It is of of course possible that I have a bad memory for what used to exist.

asked 01 Oct '10, 22:31

Alan%20Vos's gravatar image

Alan Vos
accept rate: 0%

Open Potlatch 1 (via the Edit tab and manual URL editing) for a particular area, and press U (for "undelete"). This will show you any ways that existed but have since been deleted. You can click any of them and 'unlock' them, then save, should you want to restore the ways.

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answered 01 Oct '10, 23:26

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 18 Dec '14, 02:09

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Cheers. That worked. I have always used JOSM. The Potlatch 'Undelete' caused an entire disused railway to appear, but not my 'missing' tracks, so it appears it is my memory which is at fault. I can work on that.

Full marks to OSM for a database in which 'delete' has such a specific meaning.

(02 Oct '10, 00:01) Alan Vos

It is possible to view the history for that area, and see what has changed there, including things being deleted. See this previous question, and its answers: How do I see the history for my area? Also see this page on the wiki for more options: Change monitoring

The most useful tool for this is probably OWL (OpenStreetMap Watch List)

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answered 01 Oct '10, 23:55

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 01 Oct '10, 22:31

question was seen: 7,730 times

last updated: 18 Dec '14, 02:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum