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addign points of interest, some appear on the map with their picture (for instance 'Restaurant'), some with a mere point (for instance "Town Hall). Moreover, for these last ones, the name I enter to qualify the point of interst doesn't appear on the map.

asked 12 Jan '12, 08:59

michous's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Feb '12, 17:10

RM87's gravatar image


What gets rendered on the map is up to the creator of map rendering you are watching. If you select different layers you get different map renderings thot show different things. Osmarender usualy have a lot of POI.

When viewing rendered maps they may be a bit behind the vector data. If you have just entered a feature in an editor it will display instantly in the editors but you have to wait for the map to get rerendered. Depending on zoom level and server load this might take from a few seconds to a few houres or days. Some features like coastline and contry boarders can take several weaks to get updated due to them having a different pipeline.

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answered 12 Jan '12, 09:49

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

I merely use Potlatch to add some POI, shown on the left side (shopping, food and drogs, amenity, ...) so I don't understand why POI pictures behave differently when dragged and droped to the map, although I looked to a pretty related question "Why isn't the POI that I added showing up on the map ?

(12 Jan '12, 11:40) michous

There's a difference between "the map" (i.e. the default "Mapnik" map that you see on the front page of the OSM website and "the data".

All the details that you've added are stored in the data, but may not be displayed on a particular map as there may not be room to fit all the detail in. As Gnonthgol says, the "Osmarender" map (which is also available via the "+" sign at the top-right) often shows more detail than the "Mapnik" one.

There's a "permalink" option at the bottom-right of the map - if you post that link here, we may be able to give you more advice.

(12 Jan '12, 15:35) SomeoneElse ♦

I have the same problem but don't think that either response adequately addresses the problem which really concerns Potlatch; not rendering. When using Potlatch, some POI icons can be dragged onto the map and the entered Name displays just fine. But sometimes the entered Name does not display, and sometimes the POI icon is replaced with a green dot. If a POI does not display correctly in Potlatch then it will not display properly in the normal View.

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answered 03 Feb '12, 12:10

DavyStokes's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Potlatch uses another set of rendering rules. Some features appears in Potlatch and not on the standard layer and some features appears in the standard layer and not in Potlatch.

(03 Feb '12, 13:21) Gnonthgol ♦

Well yes, but one would expect Potlatch to be able to render its own icons and Names in the editing window?

(03 Feb '12, 13:30) DavyStokes

Moreover, we could admit that Potlatch doesn't react like "standard layers or so", but what remains amazing is that Potlatch reacts differently according to the selected icon : for some, its gives an expected image, for other not....It might come from a table of properties incompletely written, doesn't it ?

(03 Feb '12, 17:11) michous

If you find it "amazing", why not volunteer to help?

(05 Feb '12, 18:04) Richard ♦

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question asked: 12 Jan '12, 08:59

question was seen: 4,344 times

last updated: 05 Feb '12, 18:04

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