Hi all, I am using JOSM 4667 (Dec 2011) and GPX files sourced from a Garmin Nuvi 1440 system logging. Trying to open some GPX track files I get an error "Error occurred while parsing gpx file .. Only a part of the file will be available". The files are valid xml and I can use them in GPX editor. If I remove the XML <extensions> .. </extensions> data which contains some garmin specifc tags (see below), then the file works and loads into JOSM correctly. Is this normal behaviour from JOSM? I would expect that it just ignores any XML tags that it does not like How can I effectively work around this? What do others do to load GPX from Garmin and remove these tags before upload to OSM? Example of one trkpt <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><gpx version="1.1" creator="GPX Editor" xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemalocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 <a href=" http:="" www.topografix.com="" gpx="" 1="" 1="" gpx.xsd"="">">http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd"><metadata> <link href="http://www.garmin.com"><text>Garmin International</text> </link><time>2012-01-03T10:48:54Z</time> <bounds minlat="-37.638055" minlon="144.080658" maxlat="-37.546773" maxlon="144.260698"/></metadata><trk><name>ACTIVE LOG: 30 Dec 2011 15:47</name> <trkseg><trkpt lat="-37.630468" lon="144.081058"><ele>481.76</ele><time>2011-12-30T07:24:36Z</time><extensions><gpxtpx:trackpointextension><gpxtpx:speed>21.96</gpxtpx:speed><gpxtpx:course>94.59</gpxtpx:course></gpxtpx:trackpointextension></extensions></trkpt> Thanks Andy |
A simple workaround is to use gpsbabel to translate the gpx file into another gpx file and loose all elements that are not in the standard. The final solution is to submit a bug report at JOSM attach a sample file and propose a solution. if you know java you can edit the source of JOSM and submit a patch to the bug report. otherwise you have to wait for someone else to do it. Thanks - good answer. I guess I was suprised that a native Garmin Nuvi GPX files would not go straight in JOSM, as I cannot be first to work using this combination of tools. Andy
(12 Jan '12, 02:00)
Andy F