HI, on this page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:All_in_one_Garmin_Map/Regions#Deutschland_und_angrenzendes_L.C3.A4nder_.28.3C2GB.29 a german OSM Map *.img was planned. Could some tell me if this map exist already, where can i get it or are you aware of other sources to get this map. I particlar im intrissted in the cycle tour tracks which are in the europa map, but only the german part of it. Thanks for reply rgds Peter
This question is marked "community wiki".
Please see DE: All in one Garmin Map, there are maps for Germany, DACH+ (coverage) etc. There is also a list of premade maps for Garmin devices, some of them are made especially for cyclists. Thanks, but as fare as i could see does the DACH OSM Map NOT contanis the bike tracks as the total map do. I looked into the DACH one and i was missing almost every german cycle track even the regional ones are not included. Whats the reason why?
(08 Jan '12, 13:45)
Different maps focus on different features. Did you try the maps from http://openmtbmap.org/ or http://www.velomap.org/ ? They focus on cycling, so they might have your cycle track relations.
(09 Jan '12, 09:24)
Vincent de P... ♦