Hay alguna manera de poner el nombre a una calle pequeña con un nombre largo Google Translate: Is there any way to put the name to a small street with a long name? |
There's a difference between "the data" and "the map". You've added the name to that street, and that's stored in the OSM data, but the main "Mapnik" map doesn't show the name. The problem is that there isn't room to show everything, and the Mapnik layer tries to look like a nice map, and sometimes this means leaving things out. Other maps are available - if you click the "+" at the top right of the map on openstreetmap.org you can choose between two other general maps - "Osmarender" and "Mapquest Open", as well as the cycle and transport maps. It may be that one of those shows your street name in full. A few other answers to questions answer this in more detail - have a look at the top answer here, and also this answer. |
What problem are you having?
Is it that when you type in a long street name you can't see the end of the long street name as you type it, or that once you've entered the name the long name does not appear on the map?
that once you've entered the name the long name does not appear on the map?