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Hi, I am in a need to extract a street list of a given city in a csv format, with some lon/lat data, to focus on the map on the street, when a person is searching it in the app. What is the easyest way/tool to make it?

asked 05 Jan '12, 11:10

Gevork's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The CSV option of osmconvert will help you generating the required list.

First, use osmfilter with --keep="highway=residential =primary =secondary =tertiaty =unclassified", etc., to get all streets, then use osmconvert with --all-to-nodes and --csv="@lon @lat name etc." to get the CSV list.

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answered 19 Sep '12, 00:20

Marqqs's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 19 Sep '12, 00:24

it should be =tertiary not =tertiaty

(17 Mar '20, 10:27) dsaket

osmfilter city.osm --keep="addr:country= and addr:city= and addr:street=" --ignore-depemdencies --drop-relations --drop-ways |osmconvert - --csv="@oname @id @lon @lat addr:country addr:city addr:street"

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answered 04 Jun '14, 00:17

Gevork's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you. I used your command line and it worked but it doesn't show all the streets.

I am working on Spain map data.[1] I did this:

  • osmconvert spain-latest.osm.pbf -o=spain-latest.osm.o5m
  • osmfilter spain-latest.osm.o5m --keep="addr:country= and addr:city= and addr:street=" --ignore-depemdencies --drop-relations --drop-ways | osmconvert - --csv="@oname @id @lon @lat addr:country addr:city addr:street"

And it shows 135444 results, including duplicates. Then I grep a municipality like "Jerez de la Frontera":

  • osmfilter spain-latest.osm.o5m --keep="addr:country= and addr:city= and addr:street=" --ignore-depemdencies --drop-relations --drop-ways | osmconvert - --csv="@oname @id @lon @lat addr:country addr:city addr:street" | cut -f6-7 | grep "Jerez de la Frontera" | sort | uniq

And it shows only 2 streets, which is obvious wrong:

Jerez de la Frontera Calle Perú Jerez de la Frontera Matadero

That municipality has names for many streets in OpenStreetMap.

What is the problem? Thank you.


(30 Sep '16, 12:46) emijrp

it's --ignore-dependencies guys.

(17 Mar '20, 10:19) dsaket

I reply to myself. It shows few streets because not all the streets have a defined "addr:city" parameter.

So I used this solution:

Now you have a .osm file for the municipality. Inside it is all the information (streets, buildings, monuments, etc) for that city.

You can use osmfilter or grep to extract the info your want.


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answered 30 Sep '16, 14:42

emijrp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Oct '16, 00:36

Maposmatic will give you a csv of the streets, but it shows a local grid reference instead of an exact lat-long. Maybe you can reverse that reference to get the approximate lat/lon, since you know the bounding box and the size of the grid ?

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answered 06 Jan '12, 12:08

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

@Vincent-de-phily Thank you, but it's not an easy way...

(11 Jan '12, 11:17) Gevork

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question asked: 05 Jan '12, 11:10

question was seen: 38,784 times

last updated: 17 Mar '20, 10:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum