I recently wrote an extension* for PunBB as I wanted an alternative option to Google Maps and very much liked the feel of OSM. However when I create a post A with an embeded map section XYZ with fixed longitude X1 and latitude Y2 I encounter unexpected behaviour after visiting OTHERS, ADDITIONAL posts with other map sections with lon:X2 lat:Y3. The unexpected behaviour: The map shows whatever map section I was last browsing. Why? Thanks for any ideas... * (http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/24786/extension-open-street-map/) |
Your extension doesn't embed a map - it embeds the whole of openstreetmap.org in an iframe. This isn't the correct way to include an OpenStreetMap-based map on a web page. Please use the Export feature or include your own slippy map using OpenLayers to display a map. |
This is a good starting point for the question you are asking. Several examples already out there... http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Deploying_your_own_Slippy_Map |