After logging into Potlatch 2 to make edits, Potlatch only requests a comment on editing for my first edit. Any subsequent edits are sent to the server without asking me for a comment and are blank when viewing history. |
Each time that you hit "save" it's saved to the same changeset unless you explicitly close that changeset and reopen another one. In order to start a new changeset, press "c" and "changeset closed" will briefly appear on screen. Then, then next time that you hit "save" you'll be prompted for a new changeset comment. 2
Exactly. "Save early, save often" is the mantra for P2 and indeed any online content creation tool. That's why P2 will often remind you to save if you haven't done so, and why you are encouraged to save several times for each changeset. If your computer/browser crashes and you haven't saved, you lose your work.
(05 Jan '12, 14:12)
Richard ♦
I hadn't used Potlatch for quite a while, and just ran into the same issue: I entered a comment for my first save, and was then surprised that I wasn't asked for a comment for my next save. I have 2 questions: (1) Is it possible to edit a comment? (2) Would it be reasonable to add some kind of warning to the user that the comment will apply to all changes until the changeset is closed?
(10 Apr '12, 13:23)
Re (1) no, there's currently no way of doing that. Re (2) it'd be tricky, as any such warning would need to avoid "information overload" of new editors. The best place to discuss that is on a Potlatch2 trac entry rather than here, though.
(10 Apr '12, 21:56)
SomeoneElse ♦
See that previous question (and answer) on the same issue: how-to-edit-the-changeset-save-commentnote-after-saving-againmultiple-times-in-an-potlatch-2-editing-session.