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I want to know how big is your map size for the entire world?



asked 03 Jan '12, 10:14

hugotoni's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That depends on what you mean with "map size".

The uncompressed XML variant of the planet.osm file is over 250GB according to the Planet.osm wiki page.

The Tile Disk Usage wiki page says "Pre-rendering all tiles would use around 54000GB of storage".

The question How large (in disk size) is a current complete tile set? has previously been answered with "Using data from tileservers that I have run before, I estimate the complete tileset of zooms 0-18 to be around 342 Tb in size".

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answered 03 Jan '12, 10:38

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

wow 54TB of data! so much of storage space... I thought it will be like 20TB since 70% of the world is made up of sea water. Thx for the info :)

(03 Jan '12, 10:59) hugotoni

I think the 54 TB is already a very optimistic figure, and the 70% water is already factored in. Personally I'd guess way more than 100 TB for the whole world at z0-18 but of course this also depends on what map style you use.

(03 Jan '12, 11:05) Frederik Ramm ♦

very contradicting...

why the wiki page says only 54TB when some of the ans above can goes beyond 100TB or 342TB...

OSM does NOT pre-render every tile. Pre-rendering all tiles would use around 54000GB of storage. As the following table shows, the majority of tiles are never viewed.

(03 Jan '12, 11:23) hugotoni

The reason for those contradictions is that the size of a tile depends on several factors - of course what data is on the tile but also what style you use and so on; so the real size can only be determined after the tile has been rendered. And because nobody has ever rendered them all, nobody knows. I suggest you try it and then report non-contradictory numbers here.

(07 Jan '12, 00:09) Frederik Ramm ♦

My OSM API DB (with the full history since the redaction period and missing updates for the last two months) has as of today 1589 GB (about 1.5 TB) and growing. No tiles rendered yet from it.

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answered 15 Jul '13, 01:11

MCPicoli's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

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question asked: 03 Jan '12, 10:14

question was seen: 22,955 times

last updated: 15 Jul '13, 01:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum