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como puedo poner nombre a las plazas sin hacer un poligono? con un solo nodo

In English (rough translation):

How can I give a name to a place/square without making a polygon? Using just a single node.

asked 01 Jan '12, 12:35

fercema1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 May '13, 23:07

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Es posible hacerlo: Haz un solo nodo, y anótala con "area=yes, name=Plaza de los cuatro vientos".

Pero no es recomendado. La manera oficial en Openstreetmap es de poner un poligono, como describido en .

Porque no quieres hacer un poligono? No es necesario que sea exacto: Si no tienes las dimensiones exactas, es bastante trazar la plaza (siguiendo las fotografías orbitales). Para notar que el poligono no ex exacto, puedes poner "fixme=resurvey" ( ).

Yes, it is possible: Make a single node, and tag it as "area=yes, name=Plaza de los cuatro vientos".

However, this is not recommended. The official way to do it in Openstreetmap is to make a polygon, as described in .

Why don't you want to make a polygon? It does not need to be precise: If you don't know the exact dimensions, just trace the square (following the satellite imagery). To note that it is not exact, you can tag it as "fixme=resurvey" ( ).

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answered 01 Jan '12, 14:54

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

edited 01 Jan '12, 15:00


I do it as you say to me but after one day it is not represented in the map

(02 Jan '12, 16:08) fercema1

@fercema1: It takes some time (sometimes even some weeks) for your changes to appear on our maps. Also not every tag is rendered by every map - there are speciality maps. /// (translated with google translate:) Se necesita algún tiempo (a veces incluso varias semanas) para que sus cambios aparezcan en nuestros mapas. Además, no todas las etiquetas se representa por cada mapa - hay mapas de la especialidad. See/ver: como-guardar-los-cambios-definitivamente.

(23 May '13, 23:13) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 01 Jan '12, 12:35

question was seen: 5,228 times

last updated: 23 May '13, 23:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum