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There's some great answers here on and I think it's a great idea to add some of this information to the OSM wiki (especially the FAQ page). But:

(All wiki contents (including images) are released with the same license as the rest of our data; OpenStreetMap License (cc-by-sa-2), except on a few pages where we have stated otherwise)

Would I (or anyone else) be able (legally) to add and modify portions of content from here ( to ?

(I am aware that the pending ODbL does not affect the content of wiki or this website).

asked 31 Dec '11, 21:29

skorasaurus's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

edited 01 Jan '12, 00:08

In the footer on every page on and you see CC-BY-SA. That means that you are free to copy any content betwean theese sites as long as you attribute the source. Just add it to the editing comment or as a comment.

ODbL is not considered for anything but the main database and the FAQ needs to be changed during the licence change.

permanent link

answered 01 Jan '12, 00:05

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Hmm, somehow nice that all content is tried to make ccbysa 2.0 licensed - however, I am quite contributing here since some time (gave 34 answers) and did not know this. Was there some "yes I agree" checkbox during signup? I don't think this license is valid for all user content here. Just a small grey box in the footer, which might also mean the QA system software. Compare with the wiki's edit boxes and their (too big) license notice. And it is also neither mentioned in nor in .

(30 Jan '13, 16:39) aseerel4c26 ♦

Just a side-note to @Gnonthgol's ccbysa 2.0 summary ("That means that you are free to copy any content betwean theese sites as long as you attribute the source."): this is not correct. At least this summary misses one key part of ccbysa: share alike. To be seen there:

(30 Jan '13, 16:43) aseerel4c26 ♦

Gnonthgol's comment is right: he said "between these sites", referring to the wiki and You can of course copy material between two CC-BY-SA-licensed sites with impunity; the licence is compatible with itself.

(30 Jan '13, 18:37) Richard ♦

@Richard: (re. my 1st comment:) I doubt that e.g. the answers in help.osm are really ccbysa 2.0 licensed. And I wrote why - did you ignore that? Only the authors can release their texts under a license - nobody else. (re. my 2nd comment:) He said "as long as you attribute the source". This is not enough to use ccbysa content. In addition the license must be mentioned. This may have been not clear in my previous comment.

(30 Jan '13, 21:14) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 31 Dec '11, 21:29

question was seen: 5,281 times

last updated: 30 Jan '13, 21:19

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