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Have installed OpenMap from PushTechniques on a Blackberry Playbook. It accesses OpenStreetMap but has no facility for saving offline maps that I can find. I'd be grateful for any info.


asked 31 Dec '11, 12:23

gd46's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You need to contact the developers of OpenMap, since their app is closed source. The wider OpenStreetMap community can't help with any support or feature requests for this app, I'm afraid.

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answered 31 Dec '11, 13:51

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

Thanks, I tried but email bounced back. Will keep trying. Happy New Year.

(31 Dec '11, 15:17) gd46

I've not looked at OpenMap, but it may be that its developers just wanted to get a "quick and dirty" location-aware version of the OSM site out there. There's actually a Blackberry tutorial for doing that sort of thing here if you fancy having a go yourself - it's pretty straightforward.

Tile-based offline support becomes problematical because users might decide to download large areas which would cause problems for other users (and be against the tile usage policy) - in order to avoid that problem application developers would need to use a different source of tiles, and deploying your own tile server infrastructure is a whole lot more complicated than the 50 lines of Javascript needed to deploy a location-aware map.

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answered 03 Jan '12, 08:26

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks for the info. Will look at it.

(03 Jan '12, 11:38) gd46

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question asked: 31 Dec '11, 12:23

question was seen: 9,072 times

last updated: 03 Jan '12, 12:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum