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Is we do't have facility to add labels which will show some information of markers on page load load itself.

like on page load of map I want to show image with one label, and the label will contain the same information what we have now in popup.

I do't want popup meassage I want label near by marker which will show the image information. I am giving one example here.

As in above example you can see one label is coming on page load of map which is providing information of the image.

the same above thing i want ot implement in open street map is that is possible?

Please provide me some example if you have.

thanks for your time and support.


asked 30 Sep '10, 22:16

Vivek%20Kumar's gravatar image

Vivek Kumar
accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Oct '10, 19:22

It would help if you provided some more details of what you want to do. ie Do you want a map on your own website? And what do you mean by markers? Places in OSM, or some other waypoints?

The best option is probably to use OpenLayers. This lets you show an OSM map, with markers overlaid, and popups when you click on them. There is a simple example of this here: Openlayers POI layer example. This needs the markers in a tab separated text file, so you will have to convert your markers to that format.

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answered 01 Oct '10, 16:05

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%


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(01 Oct '10, 18:30) Andy Allan

Yes, you can show labels on the map in OpenLayers. See this example here: OpenLayers Labeled features example. It shouldn't be too hard to modify that to show an OSM map instead, and change the markers and labels to what you want. You can probably find more details in the OpenLayers Documentation

Alternatively, it is possible to show OSM maps in the Google Maps API. See Google Maps example. So you could modify that example map that you linked, to use OSM maps instead of Google.

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answered 01 Oct '10, 22:52

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 30 Sep '10, 22:16

question was seen: 28,969 times

last updated: 01 Oct '10, 22:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum