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I remember only username of my old user. How can i recover my password?

asked 29 Dec '11, 11:48

ieskok's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Mar '12, 12:42

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood

Ask someone else to send a message to your username in OSM. That message will be forwarded to the e-mail address that you have registered with. You will receive the e-mail, and inspection of the headers will reveal which address it is.

If you are registered with an e-mail address that you are not using any more, then the password recovery process will not work even if you know the e-mail address, and you will have to contact the admins and work something out with them.

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answered 29 Dec '11, 11:51

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

As you already noticed the regular process for recovering a lost password requires you to know the e-mail you used for registration:

While still having access to that e-mail the mail headers give a hint which address was used.

Without access to your e-mail you have to contact the admins under

Send them as much details that give indication you're the real owner of the account as possible. For example if you still know the e-mail but don't have access give this data. Did you upload GPS traces and did not publicly share them? This is another knowledge that only the legitimate owner can have.

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answered 12 Mar '12, 11:51

Stephan%20Knauss's gravatar image

Stephan Knauss
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 29 Dec '11, 11:48

question was seen: 14,072 times

last updated: 26 Mar '12, 12:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum