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How should houses with multiple addresses be tagged (e.g. houses at intersections)? I'm talking about houses for a single family, not apartment buildings.

For example, the house might have the mailbox, the entrance and a driveway on different streets. And some houses actually have two number signs on them (not on the entrance, but on the house itself). I think it would be nice to have all of them searchable. Is this possible?

asked 27 Dec '11, 20:26

SamuelLB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Some people are using addr2:* for this. It think more than 2 addresses (=more than one corner) is extremely uncommon for single-family houses.

I doubt it's searchable yet, but what do you think?

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answered 28 Dec '11, 11:22

SamuelLB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've created a proposal for addr2:* now. Please comment on it :)

(19 Jan '12, 20:08) SamuelLB

I had a similar problem with old addresses - see - and I solved it with a second node on the same building with the other address. Anyway, it would be cool to have a better solution for it, as it violates the osm-principle of one feature - one tag.

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answered 28 Dec '11, 05:46

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%


Try to find out which address is the most official (used by post office and so on) and use that one. I guess address issues like this might stem from former two family houses that have been rebuilt into one family homes and the old number for the other house is simply left on the other door without being in use.

You can probably check with local authorities to see which address is currently in use.

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answered 28 Dec '11, 00:33

Grillo's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%


Houses or parcels on street corners often have two adresses. It is at least a common case in Austria, where it is called "Identadressen". There is of course one address that is primarily used for recieving mails, but the other addresses are anyway official, too!

(28 Dec '11, 05:41) moszkva ter

Ok, it might differ from country to country. In Sweden, the other addressed is often unused but "reserved" for the future, so it isn't used by mistake.

(28 Dec '11, 15:39) Grillo

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question asked: 27 Dec '11, 20:26

question was seen: 13,726 times

last updated: 19 Jan '12, 20:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum