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I created my account the other day and was in the settings menu setting things like my home location. I finished up and logged out.

The next day I attempted to log into OpenStreetMap and it just seemingly did nothing. I put in the right username and password, click the submit button (and it does actually submit and refresh the page) but then it just shows the log in page again with no error messages whatsoever. It's just like it ignored my log in attempt. It's very strange.

Extra information: I did add the URL to my Google Authentication OpenID right before this happened. When I try to use Google to log in OpenStreetMap tries to get me to make a new account. So it looks like the URL isn't attached to my account yet. Maybe it got corrupted?

asked 27 Dec '11, 16:59

James%20Carnley's gravatar image

James Carnley
accept rate: 0%

Just linking to the user page I'm guessing this is something for sysadmins and trac. I Could try to reproduce but....

(29 Dec '11, 00:36) emj
(29 Dec '11, 00:54) emj

For some reason after getting emj's reply I tried to log in again and it worked. I'm not sure what changed but my specific problem appears to have been fixed. There is no value in the OpenID setting of my account settings page. Maybe someone cleared it for me?

The ticket emj filed doesn't look like it's been worked on so maybe a dev simply unrelatedly fixed the issue or I just got lucky.

permanent link

answered 29 Dec '11, 02:31

James%20Carnley's gravatar image

James Carnley
accept rate: 0%

Ok welcome and happy maping! And good luck, I just added that trac ticket, so no worries it will be fixed eventually.

(29 Dec '11, 08:43) emj

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question asked: 27 Dec '11, 16:59

question was seen: 5,708 times

last updated: 29 Dec '11, 08:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum