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Hi. I just created an openstreetmap ID, and then tried to associate it with my OpenID (first time use of OpenID) associated with my gmail account. I did confirm the original ID with email, but the OpenID dialog was like a loop -- it wanted me to log in to my regular ID, but my regular ID does the following:

  1. On, click log in
  2. Goes to
  3. Leave my email and password in there (autofilled by Chrome)
  4. Click Login button at right.
  5. Returns me to step 1 in (with same "log in / sign up" text at upper right.

Signing in here to works fine. I would have thought they were the same ID.

asked 26 Dec '11, 21:13

Slow%20But%20Effective's gravatar image

Slow But Eff...
accept rate: 0%

(29 Dec '11, 00:54) emj

I've run into the same problem. Cleared cookies and I could log in. Try to add my OpenID to the account settings and I'm back in the login loop again until cookies are cleared. Once back in, OpenID is not set. Seems there is no way to use OpenID if you have ever signed in locally.

(02 Jan '12, 13:40) spacebat

Try this first:

  1. remove all cookies for
  2. force reload the login page shift-ctrl-r
permanent link

answered 29 Dec '11, 09:03

emj's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 29 Dec '11, 09:04

Thanks emj. That did the trick. I don't think I'm logged in with OpenID (per spacebat's comment).

(02 Jan '12, 20:54) Slow But Eff...

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question asked: 26 Dec '11, 21:13

question was seen: 5,528 times

last updated: 02 Jan '12, 23:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum