Is there any way to define a desert like the Negev desert (Israel) in OSM? I found a proposed feature for the desert that haven't been approved. So how should a known desert be tagged? - nature=desert is not approved. - nature=sand is currently in use and will display the area in yellow. Would be interesting to hear you opinions.... |
That proposal looks good to me (altough I'm not sure why they use "type=" instead of "semi_arid="). On taginfo you'll find 99 occurences of "natural=desert" and 20 of "desert=*". That may not be very widespread, but to me it looks plenty enough to use. I have used nature=desert now. It gets rendered in Mapnik in a kind of brown. Looks strange to me, but that what it is. In my opinion a desert should be brown or yellow but a lot lighter.
(29 Dec '11, 15:58)